May 31 2024

2024 Executive Certificate in Philanthropic Leadership

Georgetown University

Washington, D.C.

Georgetown University's Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership is offering an in-person Executive Certificate in Philanthropic Leadership for the Fall of 2024, with esteemed faculty including:

  • Susan Taylor Batten, President and CEO, ABFE
  • Judy Belk, Philanthropic Advisor and Former President and CEO, The California Wellness Foundation
  • Cedric Brown, Former VP of Global Leadership Programs, Obama Foundation
  • Aaron Dorfman, President and CEO, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
  • Tariana Navas-Nieves, Deputy Director, Denver Arts & Venues and Board Chair of Grantmakers in the Arts

Our philanthropy certificate is designed as an experiential leadership lab to help strengthen the skills of philanthropic practitioners working in private and or/ family foundations, community foundations, corporate foundations, government agencies, donor-advised funds, and other philanthropic organizations.

Registration deadline is May 31, 2024.



Out-of-School Time Bimonthly Funder Meetup: August 2024
Aug 6 2024

Out-of-School Time Bimonthly Funder Meetup: August 2024

Join the EdFunders Out-of-School Time Impact Group for an ongoing conversation with Grantmakers for Education members who fund or are interested in funding the out-of-school time sector. August 6: Sharing and supporting each other's work.

Toward Languages of Liberation in Learning Environments
Aug 8 2024

Toward Languages of Liberation in Learning Environments

Join a discussion about how children's and youth's experiences with languages can shape their identities while developing a truly multicultural vision of democracy’s future.