Nov 8 2023

Answering Calls for Care in College: Steps to Support Student Mental Wellness 

College Futures Foundation

Mental health is one of the most critical priorities for college students today. Since the onset of the pandemic and the declaration of a national public health crisis around mental health, students are speaking up about their increased need and desire for mental health support and a holistic postsecondary educational experience where they are valued, respected, and seen – not as demographic percentiles or funding metrics – but as whole humans. College Futures Foundation invites California’s higher education and mental health advocates, practitioners, policymakers, and funders to discuss new research examining college student mental health through a racial and financial equity lens and to learn how we can all play a role to answer students’ calls for care. 



Toward a Climate of Care in Learning Programs
Sep 10 2024

Toward a Climate of Care in Learning Programs

Join a discussion about the connection between movements for high-quality early childhood and youth learning and the growing movement for climate justice around the world.

The Promise of Meaning-Based Interventions and Opportunities for Philanthropy
Sep 10 2024

The Promise of Meaning-Based Interventions and Opportunities for Philanthropy

Join Grantmakers for Thriving Youth and Arnold Chandler, president of Forward Change, to learn about how meaning-based interventions alter how...