Oct 25 2023

How Afterschool Can Reduce Absenteeism in Schools

Grantmakers for Education and Partners


Wednesday, October 25, 1:00-3:00 pm ET

We know that school attendance is key to student success. “Students who attend school regularly are more likely to master academic content, get good grades, feel connected to their community, develop healthy habits, and ultimately graduate from high school.” (Afterschool Focus: The Role of Attendance in Afterschool

The COVID pandemic resulted in a spike in school absenteeism. Before the pandemic, about 8 million U.S. students were considered chronically absent, according to the research group Attendance Works. By spring 2022, that number had doubled to around 16 million.

This webinar will focus on the importance of school attendance, absenteeism trends, and how afterschool programs can help reduce chronic absenteeism.

Host: Rebecca Goldberg, Co-Facilitator, Grantmakers for Education OST Impact Group.

Speakers: Hedy Chang, Executive Director, Attendance Works; other speakers TBA.

This webinar is open to everyone. Hosted by Temescal Associates, How Kids Learn Foundation, and Grantmakers for Education’s OST Impact Group.



Briefing Paper: Chronic School Absenteeism and the Role of Afterschool






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