Dec 14 2023
In Head Start, Our Ideals Are Possible
Head Start and Early Head Start serve hundreds of thousands of children and families per year, the majority of whom are families of color. Despite an abundance of evidence that ideal learning environments for young children should be equitable, play-based, and relational, program quality in Head Start varies widely. How do we ensure that all children and families in Head Start have access to ideal learning environments in their programs?
We know it’s possible because we work closely with Head Start providers around the country who are bringing these ideal learning environments to life in their communities. Join Trust for Learning on December 14th at 1pm to learn from Montessori, Tools of the Mind, HighScope, Reggio-inspired, and Waldorf partners from around the U.S. These leaders will share how they have worked creatively within Head Start guidelines to create ideal learning environments for all children and families. We’ll also explore opportunities for collective action in response to newly-proposed rule changes and the possibility of reauthorization in the coming years.