Mar 19 2023

NAA23 OST Thriving Workforce Summit

National Afterschool Association

Orlando, FL

We invite you to join us for the OST Stakeholder Summit: Building and Supporting a Thriving Workforce. In partnership with state affiliates, the National Afterschool Association has fostered positive youth outcomes by supporting, developing, and advocating for afterschool professionals and leaders for over thirty years. Staff recruitment and retention challenges remain the most significant barrier in the out-of-school time field. As the professional association supporting out-of-school time professionals, it is clear that it is time to focus attention on the issue of job quality in our sector. Since launching our Thriving Workforce initiative, we have explored and defined OST job quality and are now ready to move from attention to action in building a future that results in higher quality jobs for OST professionals, workforce stability and program quality that benefit youth, families, and communities.



Out-of-School Time Bimonthly Funder Meetup: August 2024
Aug 6 2024

Out-of-School Time Bimonthly Funder Meetup: August 2024

Join the EdFunders Out-of-School Time Impact Group for an ongoing conversation with Grantmakers for Education members who fund or are interested in funding the out-of-school time sector. August 6: Sharing and supporting each other's work.

Toward Languages of Liberation in Learning Environments
Aug 8 2024

Toward Languages of Liberation in Learning Environments

Join a discussion about how children's and youth's experiences with languages can shape their identities while developing a truly multicultural vision of democracy’s future.