Jun 21 2024
Strategies for Supporting Staff Wellness: Out-of-School Time Monthly Field Convening
June 21, 2024, 12:00 pm ET
Staff Wellness Resources:
- Center for Effective Philanthropy's State of Nonprofits 2024: What Funders Need to Know
- Center for Effective Philanthropy's blogs related to the State of Nonprofits report
- NAA Afterschool Today Fall 2023 issue, Supporting Staff Wellness in OST
- EdNC perspective piece, Advocating for the well-being and advancement of afterschool professionals
- The Eight Heartset Skills from EduCare Foundation
- Temescal Associates will be releasing a new briefing paper on Self-Care for Youth Workers soon (see draft here)
- The Wellbeing Project
This month we'll focus on staff wellness strategies. We'll learn about the Indiana Youth Worker Wellbeing Project, funded by the Lilly Endowment, that offers telehealth medicine to youth workers statewide, peer learning communities for staff and organizational leaders, and leadership training for staff of color. We'll also learn and practice wellness and resilience strategies that the Kalamazoo Youth Development Network is leading with a cohort of 60 OST organizations in their community.
- Lakshmi Hasanadka, Chief Executive Officer, Indiana Afterschool Network
- Tami Silverman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Indiana Youth Institute
- Abra Smith, Co-Executive Director, Kalamazoo Youth Development Network
*Note that there will be no monthly calls in July or August.
About the Series
Join the EdFunders Out-of-School Time Impact Group for an ongoing conversation with funders, practitioners and other field leaders centered on learning about and with the out-of-school time sector, focusing on essential issues in OST now and in the future. Each video call will dive into a specific content area, challenge, and/or opportunity for the field and feature experts in the sector and philanthropy.
Register once for the ongoing series and join as your schedule allows. Already registered? We’ll send you a reminder of your meeting access beforehand.
Calls are scheduled from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET on the third Friday of each month.
See video and resources from past calls in the event archive.