Jun 20 2024
Strengthening Measurement to Amplify Funder Impact
June 20, 12:00 pm ET
Join Mathematica and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for a session highlighting tools and tips to support foundations' ability streamline their measurement approach to better assess and amplify field impact. In addition to sharing practical resources and lessons learned from implementation, the session will highlight the recently published Education-to-Workforce Indicator Framework. Originally conceptualized as a set of indicators along the pre-K-to-workforce continuum to encourage cross-sector collaboration, this session offers a new take on the framework as a resource to help funders align measurement and evaluation efforts, identify and communicate priorities across the organization, and encourage cross-funder investments that drive systems change. The last 15 min will be used to discuss LEAD Impact Group business and updates.
Registration is open to Grantmakers for Education members.
There is no cost to attend this Grantmakers for Education program. Registration closes 15 minutes prior to the program time. By registering for this program, you agree to our Learning Environment Commitment. Thank you for your patience; we review each registration in advance.