Jan 2024
LEAD Impact Group 2024 Summer Fellowship Program Application Open
Grantmakers for Education's Learning, Evaluation and Data (LEAD) Impact Group is offering the opportunity for EdFunders members to participate in the Summer Fellowship Program. The signature program is designed just for Grantmakers for Education members in partnership with Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. An educational research fellow is available to work with you over the summer of 2024 to answer a research question that will shed light on an issue of importance to you. Check out last year’s projects here.
The LEAD Impact Group subsidizes the costs of the summer fellows by paying all administrative costs associated with the program delivery. In exchange, the EdFunders member agrees to meet with the fellow at least three times throughout the summer (launch, mid-point discussion, and final presentation of literature review), offer feedback to the fellow, and provide $12,000 to SREE to cover the direct costs of the fellow. This fee covers the fellow’s time on the client’s project, and attendance and travel to EdFunders and/or SREE annual conferences. If a member cannot fund the entire cost of the fellow, please reach out to the contacts below, as there may be an opportunity to partner with another EdFunders member on a project.
To determine whether a member can participate in the program, we will consider the member’s willingness to pay, the feasibility of the proposed research, fellow interest in the proposed research topic and the ability to match with a qualified student.
LEAD Impact Group co-chairs and SREE researchers will review your research question and offer feedback and guidance to ensure the question is appropriate in scope before the start of the fellowship period. The fellow review and selection process will be managed primarily by a member subcommittee of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness.
To submit your project, complete this form by April 30.
Should you have any questions or comments, please email Jennifer Kush at jkush[at]sree.org and Kimberly Lent Morales at klentmorales[at]helios.org