May 2024
Grantmakers for Education Membership Update and FAQ
May 2024
In order to streamline our membership process, we will be shifting the membership period from the anniversary of each member’s join date to the calendar year (January through December) as of 2026.
Member dues for 2024 are not affected. In 2025, when your organization joins or renews, your dues will be due on the anniversary of your join date, and the dues that you pay will be prorated for the remainder of the calendar year. Your organization’s following renewals will be due on each January 1 thereafter. You no longer have to wonder when your renewal is coming, since it will always be at the beginning of the calendar year!
An exception to these scenarios occurs when an organization joins later in the year. Starting in 2025, organizations that join as of September 1 will be assessed the dues for the remainder of the year plus the dues for the following year.
Feel free to reach out to Kyle Malone, external affairs director, with any questions, and refer to the FAQ below.
As always, we welcome your engagement in Grantmakers for Education, and sincerely appreciate your membership.
For those not yet members:
How does this affect new memberships in 2024?
New memberships in 2024 will use the current anniversary date system for the first year. Your organization’s membership will start on the date you joined and will last for one year, with your renewal in 2025 landing on the anniversary of your join date. In 2025, your renewal will be prorated for the remainder of the year.
For example, an organization that joined in May 2024 would pay full dues through April 2025. In May 2025, the organization would pay 8/12 (or 2/3) of the annual dues. Future renewal dates will be January 1.
How does this affect new memberships in 2025 and beyond?
Your organization’s membership will start on the date you joined and you will pay a prorated amount through December 31 of that year. For example, an organization joining in May would pay 8/12 (or 2/3) of the annual dues. Future renewal dates will be January 1.
What if my organization joins in September, October, November or December of 2025 or beyond?
Starting in 2025, organizations that join as of September 1 will be assessed the dues for the remainder of the year plus the dues for the following year.
For those that are already members:
How does this affect my organization’s renewal in 2024?
Renewals in 2024 will continue to use the current anniversary date system for this year: your organization’s renewal will land on the anniversary of your join date. Then, in 2025, your renewal will be prorated from the anniversary of your join date through December 2025.
For example, an organization renewing in May 2024 would pay full dues through April 2025. In May 2025, the organization would pay 8/12 (or 2/3) of the annual dues. Future renewal dates will be January 1.
How does this affect my organization’s renewal in 2025?
In 2025, your organization’s renewal will be due on the anniversary of its join date, and the dues that you pay will be prorated for the remainder of the 2025 calendar year. Future renewals will be due on each January 1 thereafter.
What if my organization already paid dues in advance?
No problem (and thank you)! We will simply prorate your dues for the next calendar year in which your renewal comes up.
For both members and potential members:
Can I pay for multiple years?
Yes. The membership and renewal forms include an option to select a membership duration longer than one year. Once our new system is in place, the prorated portion will be calculated and included.
Can I contribute beyond my organization’s dues level?
Yes, we welcome contributions to Grantmakers for Education to support our work. The membership and renewal forms include an option to make an additional contribution.
Can I bundle my organization’s dues with other contributions/sponsorships?
Yes, we welcome contributions to Grantmakers for Education for conference sponsorships, impact group support and more. Please reach out to Kyle Malone, external affairs director, to learn more and discuss your options.