Postsecondary Access and Attainment (PSA2) Impact Group

Dedicated to keep learners learning.

Postsecondary Access and
Attainment (PSA2) Impact Group

Our mission is to increase the number of learners accessing and completing postsecondary education or training, with a particular focus on more historically underserved populations.

To deepen EdFunders member learning and facilitate collaboration, we host networking events, deliver briefings and topical webinars in line with our philanthropic strategies, disseminate timely news and insights, and help shape EdFunders programming to be reflective of PSA2 members’ learning goals.

All EdFunders members are invited to join the PSA2 Impact Group email communication list and consider a more active role on the steering committee. Let us know at

Impact Group Goals

To facilitate EdFunders member learning and collaboration, we:

  • Host networking events.
  • Deliver briefings and topical webinars aligned with our philanthropic strategies.
  • Disseminate timely news, insights and resources.
  • Help shape EdFunders programming to reflect PSA2 members’ learning goals.

Join us

All EdFunders members are invited to join the PSA2 Impact Group’s email communication list and consider a more active role on the steering committee. Questions? Contact us at

Postsecondary Access and Attainment Impact Group

Steering Committee

Jenny Achilles, Co-Chair

Trellis Foundation

Desiree Vazquez Barlatt

Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation

Robyn Ellis, Co-Chair

Crimsonbridge Foundation

Eric Garen

Garen Family Foundation

Amy Giradi

Ascendium Education Group

Tina Gridiron

ACT Center for Equity in Learning

Alex Harris

Harold K.L. Castle Foundation

Samaad Wes Keys

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Loni Bordoloi Pazich

The Teagle Foundation

Bleik Pickett

James Graham Brown Foundation

Dominique Raymond

Lumina Foundation

Jonathan Reid, Co-Chair

ECMC Foundation

Andrea Robledo

Greater Texas Foundation

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Learning, Evaluation
and Data

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postsecondary icon

Postsecondary Access
and Attainment

We work to increase the number of learners who access and complete postsecondary education or training, with a focus on historically underserved populations.