Out-of-School Time Impact Group
Because learning happens everywhere.
Out-of-School Time Impact Group
The Out-of-School Time Impact Group believes effective philanthropy can increase opportunities for all children and youth to access the benefits of participating in high quality, culturally-affirming afterschool, summer and expanded learning programs.
We offer a peer community with both learning and collaboration opportunities for grantmakers and field leaders. Our community aims to:
- Share knowledge and effective practices.
- Stay informed of evolving field needs.
- Forge collaborations and build relationships.
- Build alliances with K-12 education, child and youth development, early care and education, arts education, family engagement, health, and other aligned grantmaking communities focused on thriving youth.
We strive to center equity, youth voice and the experiences of those most proximate to the issues in our work.

What We Do
The OST Impact Group hosts monthly calls on the third Friday of the month from 12:00-1:00 pm ET. Monthly calls are open to all including field leaders (practitioners, intermediaries, researchers, etc.) and funding organizations. Participants can register once for the full series and join as schedules allow. Register for the field convenings here.
We host funder-only bimonthly meetings for Grantmakers for Education members on the first Tuesday every other month from 2:00–3:30 pm ET. Register for these meetings here. Not an EdFunders member? Learn about membership here.
- Access a searchable set of resources focused on out-of-school time and youth development here.
- Suggest a resource to be included here.
- Learn about upcoming and previous out-of-school time impact group programs here.
- See our out-of-school time playlist on YouTube here.
From 2020-2022, EdFunders facilitated a pooled fund focused on supporting the field through the pandemic. The fund’s grants focused on strengthening collaboration and cross-sector partnerships, building field capacity, advancing racial equity and supporting innovations in program and professional development. EdFunders produced two reports on the fund and a resource was created by Afterschool Alliance:
- Case study: Building Community from Crisis: A Collaborative Fund for the Out-of-School Time Field.
- Grantee report: Grantmaking Practices to Support Equity and Sustainability in Out-of-School Time.
- Field resource: Youth Voice Toolkit
What Is Out-of-School Time?
We use the phrase ‘out-of-school time’ to refer to programs that happen outside of the classroom – before and after school, in the evenings, weekends and summer; in school buildings or community settings; run by schools or community organizations, serving children and youth in grades K-12. The out-of-school time field encompasses program providers and the infrastructure that supports them – including intermediaries, policy and advocacy-focused organizations, technical assistance providers, research, communications, philanthropy, and other entities supporting the delivery of high-quality programming.
In addition to providing program support, philanthropy’s role includes supporting the robust field infrastructure that high-quality programs depend on: research, policy and advocacy, communications, innovations in practice, professional development, a well-supported workforce and effective measurement and evaluation.
Because children from communities of color and children who are economically disadvantaged have been historically excluded from access to high quality programs, it is critical for philanthropy to support efforts to identify and dismantle systems and policies that perpetuate inequities and to support strong systems, policies and infrastructure that advance opportunities for all children and youth.
Contact co-facilitators Rebecca Goldberg and Kathleen Traphagen.
Steering Committee
Nicole Eovino Diebold
The C. E. & S. Foundation
Tysha Hardy-Sellers
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Gwynn Hughes
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Michelle Jaramillo
The San Diego Foundation
Katherine Lewandowski
The Wallace Foundation
Erica Lim
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
John Lozecki
McElhattan Foundation
Anna Luna
Hellman Foundation
Kari Pardoe
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation
Danielle Pulliam
The Pinkerton Foundation
Amber Roos
More Impact & Learning Groups
We pursue national support for educational experiences in the arts and culture making these available to youth through member advocacy and professional development.
Equity & Grantmaking
We learn in community with members about changes funders can make to their investments and grantmaking practices in order to more equitably serve young people and communities.
Learning, Evaluation
and Data
We empower deeper engagement among members to collect, interpret, value and act on educational data to improve philanthropic practice, policies and strategies.
We create space for members and practitioners to stay connected and informed of evolving needs in the Out-of-School Time field and create ongoing conversations about how funders can respond.

Playful Learning
We build connections and knowledge with members that seek to augment learning by expanding everyday spaces into fun, engaging and interactive learning opportunities.
Postsecondary Access
and Attainment
We work to increase the number of learners who access and complete postsecondary education or training, with a focus on historically underserved populations.