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informed in the world of education grantmaking.
Celebrating 30 Years of Grantmakers for Education

We’re excited to spend 2025 honoring the 30-year anniversary of the founding of Grantmakers for Education! Learn more about what's ahead and see a bit of our history.
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Grantmakers for Education's Top 10 of 2024
Executive Orders Affecting Charitable Nonprofits
This document tracks the potential impacts of Executive Orders on the work of charitable nonprofits, and is updated frequently.
Measuring Ambitious and Inclusive Mathematics Instruction
This report provides preliminary evidence of validity and reliability of a classroom observation tool.
Looking at What’s Ahead for Education
In this publication, readers can examine future possibilities raised by KnowledgeWorks’ recent explorations of the future of learning in five key areas that shape how education operates today and will determine what unfolds for education systems and learners in the future.
A Policymaker’s Guide to State Summative Assessment Systems
In partnership with EdTrust, this policy guide offers an overview of federal requirements, considerations for policymakers to increase the quality and function of assessments, and examples of innovative state approaches to flexibilities in federal policy.
A 1975 law helped kids with disabilities access education. Schools now need more help
In the 1970s, a landmark federal law gave children with disabilities a right to a free, public education, and offered federal money. Today, many say that isn't enough. With insight from Tammy Kolbe of American Institutes for Research.
Return on Investment in Education Toolkit
Facing tight budgets? A System Strategy Return on Investment (SSROI) approach provides a fresh perspective on evaluating educational investments. Learn how this method can guide strategic decisions, enhance student outcomes, and promote financial sustainability.
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