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informed in the world of education grantmaking.
Celebrating 30 Years of Grantmakers for Education

We’re excited to spend 2025 honoring the 30-year anniversary of the founding of Grantmakers for Education! Learn more about what's ahead and see a bit of our history.
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Grantmakers for Education's Top 10 of 2024
How Community Partnerships Strengthen Summer Learning in Rural Districts
This report explores ways rural districts leverage community partnerships to strengthen summer learning programs. Developed in partnership with NYU Metro Center’s Policy, Research and Evaluation, FHI 360 and The Wallace Foundation.
Going Beyond High School Credit Recovery in Summer Learning
We all know the old-fashioned version of summer learning: students doing run-of-the-mill classwork to make up credits they missed during the school year. What if there’s a better way?
Member Insights: Leadership for Education Equity in Trying Times
How can those of us focused on racial equity in education and philanthropy make a greater impact and do our part to guide the nation toward justice?
Sustainability over Speed: The Role of Major Funding on the Field of Summer Learning
This review identifies common themes and lessons learned to understand the impact of the recent large federal investment in summer programming.
Powered by Youth Voice: Future Directions for Afterschool
This report, based on a survey of 1,087 young people from 321 afterschool programs across the country, reveals how young people envision the future of afterschool programs and their desire to be involved in the design and implementation.
School Was in This Summer, but Less Than Half of Eligible Students Enrolled
This report from RAND Corporation, funded by The Wallace Foundation, looks at findings from the Fall 2023 American School District Panel Survey to see how districts approach their summer learning programs and how many students who are eligible actually enroll.
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