
Knowledge begins here
but never ends.

Curated reports, deep research, informational articles, podcasts. Everything you need to stay well
informed in the world of education grantmaking.

Member Insights: Infusing Playful Learning into Everyday Places

Most kids spend just 20% of their waking hours in the classroom. How can communities harness some of the remaining 80% for meaningful and joyful opportunities to learn?

Grantmakers for Education

A Farewell from EdFunders' Chief Program Officer

Grantmakers for Education

Afterschool and Summer Workforce Solutions Database

Grantmakers for Education and Partners





June 2021

Advance Placement Participation, Staffing, and Staff Training in the District of Columbia Public Schools

This REL Mid-Atlantic report and fact sheet explore strategies schools use to expand participation in the Advanced Placement program.

REL Mid-Atlantic at Mathematica
June 2021

A Guide to Racial and Ethnic Equity Systems Indicators

This framework for measuring the impact of systems on getting better, more equitable results for youth and families, addresses cradle-to-career indicators as well as adjacent sector indicators.

June 2021

2021 Kids Count Data Book

The 32nd edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT®️ Data Book describes how children across the United States were faring before — and during — the coronavirus pandemic.

Annie E. Casey Foundation
May 2021

Aligning Financial Sustainability with Student Access and Success: Opportunities for Private Colleges

This report highlights long-term academic and financial opportunities for small colleges by attracting and retaining those students who face the highest barriers to enrollment and completion.

Private nonprofit colleges that are smaller, less competitive, tuition-dependent, and/or have relatively low endowments are consistently identified as the most financially vulnerable, even more so during a pandemic. Yet researchers found that these schools can turn around their fiscal performance by reframing service to students with the most challenges–those from low-income households, who are first-generation and/ or are people of color–as an opportunity, rather than a challenge.

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors & TIAA Institute
May 2021

Demographic portrait of grantees: What we’re learning and doing to support inclusion and improve our practices

William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
May 2021

Equitable Value: Promoting Economic Mobility and Social Justice through Postsecondary Education

The push to improve postsecondary education as a path to opportunity has evolved over the past generation – from a focus on expanding access to expanding access and success and making both more equitable. Now is the time to extend that focus to include value – the returns to students and society.

The Postsecondary Value Commission has tapped newly available data and insights to propose a new approach for measuring the value of education after high school and to recommend actions that college and university leaders, state and federal policymakers, and students and families can take to improve those returns and make them more equitable.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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